My Christmas eMail

This poem was first written on Christmas Eve, 1975 - really!
It has been published in several webzines and sent via email countless times - some of my friends actually email it to me, not realizing that I wrote it...

This is the Christmas 2002 version
written specially for visitors.

      'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house
      Not a creature was stirring, except for my mouse
      My wife she awoke to ask what was the matter
      'Twas not Santa Claus, 'twas my keyboard clatter

        One would think that my friends would all be fast asleep
        But why does my email go click-click and beep-beep?
        'Cause elsewhere in the world it's tomorrow already
        And my flood of email comes strong, fast and steady

      My eNews buddys are browsing and leaping
      They still cruise the Web while others are sleeping
      With most people in bed, all cozy and curled
      Our eNews goes click-click and changes the world

        While the old fashioned types still send their regards
        By snail-mail with postage and hard-copy Christmas-cards
        My cyberspace friends simply copy and paste
        Their cute email greetings, just in time with no waste

      I type "Froehliche Weihnachten" for my German friends
      My "Feliz Navidad" Spanish greetings extends
      And my English buddies get a "Chin-chin old chap!"
      "Put a shrimp on the barbie!" is my Down-under rap

        While my wife sends her few cards with stamps and lick-lick
        I send off four thousand email cards with a click
        The answers come back at almost speed of light
        That’s what makes my email go beep-beep in the night

      But please cyber friends, don’t email too much
      Don't just have a virtual Christmas - go touch!
      I wish you all a good time and good cheer
      To all a good Christmas! And a Happy New Year!

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