Net du Jour

By : Jim Pinto,
San Diego, CA.

This poem was not intended to demean any company, or organization.
Rather, it represents my own, personal view of the paradoxical situation that currently exists in the Industrial Automation business.

A little guy walked up the way
Into the mighty ISA
He walked along from booth to booth
Looking for the Fieldbus truth
The only thing he found for sure
Was a variety of Net Du Jour!

    Net du jour! Net du Jour !
    Everyone had a Net du Jour!

The little guy, he asked around
What Fieldbus flavor could be found
Each vendor claimed that they had one
A different flavor they had done
They all supported something more
The latest Fieldbus Net du Jour!

    Net du jour! Net du Jour !
    Everyone had a Net du Jour!

There was ASI, FIP and Profibus
Fieldbus Foundation, lots of fuss
DeviceNet with an open-door
And SDS and several more
LON was leading at the fore
Just take your pick of Net du Jour!

    Net du jour! Net du Jour !
    Everyone had a Net du Jour!

Some "Open Associations" had been coined
The little guy asked who had joined?
What he found did him apall
All the vendors had joined them all!
But end-users they could not lure
To buy the latest Net du Jour!

    Net du jour! Net du Jour !
    Everyone had a Net du Jour!

The vendors they all gathered round
An actual end-user had been found !
They gave him a big booth all his own
And vendors gathered round his throne
The little guy was the central show
Please, please buy my Net du Jour!

    Net du jour! Net du Jour !
    Everyone had a Net du Jour!

Another poem : The Fieldbus Quadrille Read The Fieldbus Quadrille, the dance of the "open" networks.

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Copyright 2000 : Jim Pinto, San Diego, CA, USA